Short courses and field trips


DGCO has the capabilities to run short courses (1 to 5 days) for professionals in governmental and private sectors as well as to university teaching staff and students. Our present list of courses includes:

–       Geology for non-geologists (Class and field)

–       Basic geology field skills (class and field)

–       Basics of Petroleum Systems

–       Basic Hydrogeology (class and field)

–       Hydrodynamics for hydrocarbon exploration

–       Unconventional petroleum systems

–       Geological report writing


DGCO can run short (2-4 days) geological field trips for professionals in governmental and private sectors as well as for university teaching staff and students. Our present list of field trips includes:

–       Paleozoic Stratigraphy of Central Saudi Arabia

–       Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Central Saudi Arabia

–       Structural geology of Central Saudi Arabia

–       Paleozoic Petroleum System of Central Saudi Arabia

–       Mesozoic Petroleum System of Central Saudi Arabia

–       Journey  and Lessons of  First Oil Discovery in Saudi Arabia – Dammam Dome


DGCO offers the following field trips for free to secondary schools in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia:

–       The cave of Mastodon (Miocene elephant species) bones

–       Shark teeth area (Tertiary age)

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