help avoid disasters


In DGCO, we assess geological hazards before and after incidents. Our assessments cover geohazards related to water flooding, and land sliding and collapsing.

–   Water floods in Saudi Arabia are flash and limited to rainfall seasons (October-April), but they could be catastrophic and cause fatalities, and severe damages of houses, farms, and facilities. DGCO rely on detailed topographic maps, meteorological data, and field observations to provide risk analysis of water floods. Based on results, we recommend alternative solutions that will help making technically and economically proper decisions to avoid high risks of disasters.  


–   Roads built on mountainous areas or on land with shallow subsurface cavities, facilities and towns or neighborhoods located on or near sloping land surface, etc. stay at high risk of damage and probably loss of lives without conducting risk analysis for landslide or subsidence. We conduct shallow geological investigations and use engineering geology methods to analyze  these risks.


We provide proponents with alternative solutions to avoid high risks for geohazards.